@thesis{thesis, author={RIZAL SATRIO N. }, title ={REPRESENTASI KASIH SAYANG DALAM IKLAN INDOPARTS (Studi Semiotika Representasi Kasih Sayang dalam Iklan Indoparts Versi Biker dan Bayi)}, year={2010}, url={http://www.upnjatim.ac.id}, abstract={The purpose of this study is to investigate how the representation of trust in ad Indoparts biker version of a baby in the media and billboards into the communication system of signs and symbols. Ads spare parts will be examined using semiotic study approach, namely the theory of semiotics by Charles S. Pierce. Based on semiotic theory, the ad Indoparts Pierce was investigated by grouping signs Pierce, among others, Icon, Index and Symbol. Based on the writer's observation of the writer represent Indoparts ad Indoparts icon is a picture of biker is raising a baby. The index in the ad are the words "we love you". While the symbol is the symbol of biker picked up the baby, a dark red background color and text Indoparts verbal text. Based on observations and research on Indoparts ad, it can be concluded that this ad would like to convey a message to a broad audience is to expect the best then Indoparts is a product that can give love as a form of goodness is.} }