@thesis{thesis, author={Pratiwi }, title ={The Reading Comprehension of The Tenth Grade Students of SMA 2 Bae Kudus In Academic Year 2011/2012 Through Jigsaw Technique. Skripsi.}, year={2012}, url={http://eprints.umk.ac.id/1249/}, abstract={Pratiwi, Rizky Silvia. 2012. The Reading Comprehension of The Tenth Grade Students of SMA 2 Bae Kudus In Academic Year 2011/2012 Through Jigsaw Technique. Skripsi.English Education Department Teacher Training and Education Faculty Muria Kudus University.Advisors (1) AtikRokhayani, S.Pd, M.Pd. (II) Dra. Sri EndangKusmaryati, M.Pd. Keyword: Jigsaw Technique for Reading Comprehension Reading comprehension is one of important skills in teaching and learning, especially at the level of education. In fact, the English teacher stated that most of the tenth grade students of SMA 2 Bae Kudus still get difficulties in reading comprehension. It was found that the students get difficulties in understanding the meaning of the English text. It is caused by their lack of vocabulary so that they have a difficulty in understanding meaning word by word. Most of the students also stated that reading is long and boring activity. The technique that the teacher used that is three phase technique is also less satisfied in teaching learning process. Because of that reason, the writer would like to use the interesting technique in teaching reading comprehension. The technique is Jigsaw. The purpose of jigsaw technique is to develop teamwork and cooperative learning skill within all students. The purpose of this research is to find out whether there is a significant difference between the reading comprehension of the tenth grade students of SMA 2 Bae Kudus in Academic Year 2011/2012 taught through Jigsaw technique and those without through Jigsaw technique. This research is an experimental research with a control group. The population used by the writer is the tenth grade students of SMA 2 Bae Kudus in academic year 2001/2012. The writer got two classes as sample of the research. The technique of sampling in this research is cluster random sampling. There are two classes are chosen, they are X-5 as the control group and X-4 as the experiment group. They are 34 students. The writer used a test as instrument of the research. The form of the test is multiple choices and it consist 25 items. The result of this research shows that there is a significant difference between the Reading Comprehension of the tenth grade students of SMA 2 Bae Kudus in Academic Year 2011/2012 taught through Jigsaw technique and those without through Jigsaw technique. It is found that t-observation (tâ‚€) is higher than t-table (tâ‚€ = 5.12 >tt= 2.00) with level significance 5% and degree of freedom (df) N1+N2-2 = 66. After knowing the result of this research that the Reading Comprehension of the tenth grade students of SMA 2 Bae Kudus in Academic Year 2011/2012 taught through Jigsaw technique is higher than without through Jigsaw technique. Thus, the writer suggests that the teacher should be able to create in teaching learning process more interestingly, enjoyably, and deductively. The teacher can use jigsaw technique in teaching reading comprehension. ABSTRAKSI Pratiwi, Rizky Silvia. 2012. PemahamanMembacaPadaSiswaKelasSepuluh SMA 2 Bae Kudus TahunAjaran 2011/2012 denganMenggunakanTekhnik Jigsaw.Skripsi. Program StudiPendidikanBahasaInggris, FakultasKeguruandanIlmuPendidikanUniversitasMuria Kudus. Pembimbing (1) AtikRokhayani, S.Pd, M.Pd. (II) Dra. Sri EndangKusmaryati, M.Pd. Kata Kunci: Teknik Jigsaw untukPemahamanMembaca Pemahamanmembaca adalah salah satu keterampilan penting dalam proses belajar mengajar, terutama di tingkat pendidikan. Bahkan, guru bahasa Inggris menyatakan bahwa sebagian besar siswa kelas X SMA 2 Bae Kudus masih mendapatkan kesulitan dalam pemahamanmembaca. Ditemukan bahwa para siswa mengalami kesulitan dalam memahami arti dari teks bahasa Inggris. Hal ini disebabkan oleh kurangnya kosakata sehingga mereka memiliki kesulitan dalam memahami makna kata demi kata. Sebagianbesarsiswajugamenyatakanbahwamembaca adalah aktivitas panjang dan membosankan.Teknik yang digunakan guru yaitu three phase technique juga kurang memuaskan dalamproses pembelajaran.Olehkarena itu, penulis ingin menggunakan teknik yang menarik dalam mengajarpemahaman membaca. Teknik yang digunakanyaituJigsaw. Tujuan dari teknik jigsaw adalah untuk mengembangkan kerja sama tim dan keterampilan pembelajaran kooperatif untuk semua siswa. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apakah ada perbedaan yang signifikan antara pemahamanmembaca siswa kelas X SMA 2 BaeKudus Tahun Ajaran 2011/2012 diajarkanmelalui teknik Jigsaw dan yang diajarkan tanpamelaluiteknik jigsaw. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimen dengan kelas kontrol. Populasi yang digunakan oleh penulis adalah siswa kelas X SMA2 Bae Kudus pada tahun akademik 2001/2012. Penulis menentukan dua kelas sebagai sampel penelitian. Teknik pengambilan sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah cluster random sampling. Ada dua kelas yang dipilih, yaituX-5 sebagai kelas kontrol dan X-4 sebagai kelas eksperimen yangberjumlah 34 siswapadamasing-ma} }