@thesis{thesis, author={Chafilah }, title ={The Speaking Ablity of the Tenth Grade Students of SMA N 2 Kudus in the academic year 2011/2012. }, year={2012}, url={http://eprints.umk.ac.id/1254/}, abstract={Chafilah, Nurul. 2012. The Speaking Ablity of the Tenth Grade Students of SMA N 2 Kudus in the academic year 2011/2012. Skripsi. English Education Department, Teacher Training and Education Faculty, Muria Kudus University. Advisors: (i) Dr. Slamet Utomo, M.Pd (ii) Atik Rokhayani, S.Pd, M.Pd. Key words: speaking, extensive reading activities Human born with a native language makes many languages exist in this world. It forces us to master a language which performs as lingua franca. Today, English performs as lingua franca. This language becomes an important part in all aspects especially in education of this country. English is learnt as the foreign language in schools and as the second language in international based schools which officially conducted by the government. Although it is learnt as foreign or second language in the school, the important thing of learning English is speaking because language is actually for communication. To make learning speaking becomes successful, the English teacher or researcher always looks for the effective technique to teach speaking. One of the techniques that can be used to teach speaking is by using extensive reading activities. This research is conducted by the writer to find out the speaking ability of tenth grade students of SMA N 2 Kudus taught by using extensive reading activities, taught by using presentation, practice and production in academic year 2011/2012 and whether any significant difference between the speaking ability of tenth grade students of SMA N 2 Kudus taught by using extensive reading activities, presentation, practice and production in academic year 2011/2012. This is an experimental research which uses two groups as experimental class and control class. Both of the classes are given the treatment for six meetings. The writer teaches the experimental class by using extensive reading activities while the teacher teaches the control class by using presentation, practice and production. The population of this research is all of tenth grade students of SMA N 2 Kudus in the academic year 2011/2012. To make the research more effective, the writer would like to take the sample of the research by using cluster random sampling. After the treatment is given, the instrument to measure the speaking ability of the students is educational measurement with achievement test. The writer measures the students’ speaking performance with the scoring scale from Brown. This is an experimental research which the data is in the form of numeric so this is analyzed through statistical technique. The result of this research shows that the speaking ability of the tenth grade students of SMA N 2 Kudus taught by using extensive reading activities is categorized as good while the speaking ability of the tenth grade students of SMA N 2 Kudus taught by using PPP (presentation, practice and production) is categorized as sufficient. Meanwhile, it also shows that there is a significant difference between the speaking ability of the tenth grade students of SMA N 2 Kudus taught by using extensive reading activities and taught by using PPP (presentation, practice and production) in the academic year 2011/2012. The mean score of experimental class is higher than control class (7.9>7.3). Meanwhile for the t-observation obtained is 3.05. This result is greater than the t-table (2.000) in level of significant 0.05 with degree of freedom (df) 62. Due to the fact that extensive reading activities are a good technique to teach speaking, the English teachers of senior high school level are suggested to apply extensive reading activities in the teaching learning process as a technique to teach speaking during extensive reading activities offer more chance to the students to speak up by following its activities. ABSTRAKSI Chafilah, Nurul. 2012. Kemampuan berbicara Siswa Kelas X SMA N 2 Kudus di Tahun Ajaran 2011/2012. Skripsi. Program Studi Bahasa Inggris Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Muria Kudus. Pembimbing: (1) Dr. Slamet Utomo, M.Pd (2) Atik Rokhayani, S.Pd, M.Pd. Kata Kunci: berbicara, aktivitas banyak membaca Seseorang dilahirkan dengan sebuah bahasa sehingga membuat banyak bahasa yang hidup di dunia ini. Hal tersebut memaksa kita agar menguasai bahasa yang digunakan untuk berinteraksi dengan seseorang yang mempunyai bahasa yang berbeda. Saat ini, bahasa Inggris merupakan bahasa internasional yang digunakan untuk berinteraksi dengan bahasa yang berbeda. Bahasa tersebut menjadi bagian yang penting dalam semua aspek termasuk pendidikan dalam negara ini. Bahasa Inggris dipelajari sebagai bahasa asing di sekolah dan sebagai bahasa kedua di sekolah berstandard internasional yang diselenggarakan oleh pemerintah. Apakah bahasa ini dipelajari sebagai bahasa asing atau bahasa kedua, hal yang terpenting dalam mempelajari bahasa inggris adalah berbicara. Untuk membuat pembelajaran berbicara bahasa Inggris efektif, guru bahasa Inggris atau p} }