@thesis{thesis, author={Hakim }, title ={Implementing Animation Video Dubbing To Improve Speaking Ability For The Tenth Grade Students of Sma 1 Jekulo Kudus In Academic Year 2011/2012}, year={2012}, url={http://eprints.umk.ac.id/1267/}, abstract={Hakim, Ahmad Azwar. 2012. Implementing Animation Video Dubbing To Improve Speaking Ability For The Tenth Grade Students of Sma 1 Jekulo Kudus In Academic Year 2011/2012. Skripsi. Department of English Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University of Muria Kudus. Advisors: (i) Drs. Suprihadi M.Pd., (ii)Ahdi Riyono, SS, M.Hum. Keywords: Speaking Ability, Dubbing, Animation Video, SMA 1 Jekulo Kudus, , and Classroom Action Research. Speaking ability is described as the ability to report acts or situation, in precise word or the ability to conserve or to express a sequence of ideas fluently. For having good ability in speaking English, the students which English as foreign language need to memorizing and practicing a lot of expressions acceptable in English. So, they would have good ability to express their feeling, their ideas, and their thoughts in English. That’s useful in having English conversation. The present study is a Classroom Action Research (CAR). Its prime objective is to reveal the way to improve the speaking ability of the tenth grade students of SMA 1 Jekulo Kudus by implementation of animation video dubbing as technique of teaching speaking. Besides, this research aims at knowing the students’ responses to the implementation animation video dubbing. This action research project was undertaken in the students of X.5 in the second semester of 2011/2012 academic year. The researcher implemented animation video dubbing within three cycles which lasted a total of one month. The instruments were oral tests which were given in each cycle after taught by using animation video dubbing, observation sheet, and questioner which was given in the post cycle. The first cycle, the students dub orally of the animation movie without script, the second cycle students made the script first then in group decided by teacher they dub by recording their voice as conversation of video then adjust it in the scene of video by using Ulead Studio as computer program. Then the third cycle was almost same with the second two, the researcher modified by changing the group of students which they made by their self and for the animation video they were also free to download as they want. The result of the study proves that the implementation of animation video dubbing aided teaching technique improves the students’ ability in speaking. The result of research indicated the positive direct impact of implementation of animation video dubbing was shown by the oral test score of students which held in each cycle. The mean of the oral test score in the first cycle was 73.4; the second cycle was 76,6; and the last cycle was 80.05. As shown from the observations of questionnaires students showed positive responses to the implementing of animation video dubbing technique to teach speaking. Animation video dubbing offers a good way to make the students practice in speaking. ABSTRAKSI Hakim, Ahmad Azwar. 2012. Menerapkan Sulih Suara Video Animasi Untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Berbicara Untuk Siswa kelas X SMA 1 Jekulo Kudus Tahun Akademik 2011/2012.Skripsi. Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Pendidikan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Muria Kudus. Dosen pembimbing: (i)Drs. Suprihadi M.Pd. (ii) Ahdi Riyono, SS, M.Hum. Key words: Kemampuan Berbicara, Sulih Suara, Video Animasi, SMA 1 Jekulo Kudus, Penelitian Tindakan Kelas. Kemampuan berbicara dideskripsikan sebagai kemampuan untuk mengekspresikan segala tindak kelakuan atau situasi-situasi, dalam kata-katayang tepat atau kemampuan untuk mengucapkan atau mengungkapkan ide-ide dengan lancar. Untuk memiliki kemampuan berbahasa Inggris yang baik, siswa yang mana bahasa Inggris merupakan bahasa Internasional, perlu untuk menghafal dan mempraktikkan banyak ragam ekspresi yang sesuai dalam bahasa Inggris. Dengan begitu siswa akan memilki kemampuan yang baik dalam mengungkapkan apa yang sedang mereka rasakan, ide-ide, dan pikiran merekadalam bahasa Inggris. Penelitian ini adalah Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK), yang mana tujuan utamanya adalah untuk mengungkap cara meningkatkan kemampuan berbicara siswa kelas X SMA 1 Jekulo Kudus dengan penerapan teknik sulih suara video animasi sebagai teknik mengajar speaking. Disamping itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui respon siswa terhadap penerapan teknik ini. Proyek penilitian tindakan kelas ini dilakukan terhadap siswa kelas X5 pada semester genap tahun ajaran 2011/2012. Peneliti menerapkan teknik sulih suara video animasi kedalam tiga cycle yang mana berakhir dalam satu bulan. Instrumen yang digunakan yaitu test berbicara yang diberikan di setiap cycle, lembar observasi, dan kuesioner yang diberikan pada skhir cycle. Pada cycle pertama, siswa melakukan sulih sura secara oral tanpa membuat skrip terlebih dahulu, pada cycle kedua mereka membuat skrip terlebih dahulu kemudian berdasarkan kelompok yang ditentukan oleh guru, mereka mendubing video animasi dengan merekam suara percakapan mereka, k} }