@thesis{thesis, author={Shodiqin }, title ={Improving the Vocabulary Mastery of the Fifth Grade Students of SD 2 Kedungdowo Kudus in the Academic Year 2011/2012 by Using Ostensive Teaching.}, year={2012}, url={http://eprints.umk.ac.id/1270/}, abstract={ Shodiqin, Ahmad. 2012. Improving the Vocabulary Mastery of the Fifth Grade Students of SD 2 Kedungdowo Kudus in the Academic Year 2011/2012 by Using Ostensive Teaching. Skripsi. English Education Department, Teacher Training and Education Faculty. Advisor: (i) Dra. Sri Endang Kusmaryati, M.Pd (ii) Fajar Kartika, SS, M.Hum. Keywords: Vocabulary, Ostensive Vocabulary is one of the elements of language that should be learnt and taught with accurate to understanding. In vocabulary there is continued development beyond the childhood years, with adults constantly adding new words to their vocabulary through reading, occupation, and other activities. In elementary level the material of English are introducing and translating words and things around. One of the famous techniques that use to children is called Ostensive. Ostensive Teaching is showing the real things in the classroom with pointing or showing. It means that in teaching English vocabulary, teacher can hold up things or point of the objects in the classroom as a vocabulary mediator to remembered. And much of the vocabulary of children’s learning will consist of concrete nouns. Introducing a new word by showing the real object often helps pupils memorize the words through visualization. Instead of using real pictures, a word or the contents of a passage may be visualized. This is more effective than repetition. The researcher conducted classroom action research to solve the research problem. The research was conducted in SD 2 Kedungdowo-Kudus in the academic year 2011/2012, especially in fifth grade of SD 2 Kedungdowo. The total of the fifth grade students are 28, that are consist of 13 male and 15 female. This research consists of three cycles and each of cycles has the instrument, they are: observation, test, and questionnaire. Besides that, the researcher also applied the research design in every cycle as follow: planning, observation, analysis and reflection. The researcher uses things in library units in first cycle, for second and third cycle the researcher uses weather-season units. The average score percentage of students’ vocabulary mastery in cycle I is 63.18. In cycle II is 67.93%. So, there is an increasing of the average score percentage of the students’ vocabulary mastery between cycle I and cycle II. It is 4.75%. The average score percentage of the students’ vocabulary mastery in cycle III is 73.89%. So, there is an increasing of the average score percentage of the students’ vocabulary mastery between cycle II and cycle III. It is 5.96%. And there is increasing 10.71% between cycle I and III. Therefore, there is the improvement of the students’ vocabulary mastery in teaching by using Ostensive Teaching in every cycle. In every cycle, there is an improvement of students’ activity in teaching English by using Ostensive Teaching. In cycle I, there are many students who are not active enough yet in teaching learning process. There are a few students who give response to the teacher when the teacher speak, give question, and give command. In cycle II the number of students who are active when the teacher asks students to look for the meaning from dictionary and write in the blackboard is increase although there are still some students who are chat with their friend. In cycle III, all of the students can be active in the class activity although there are some students who still less of respond when the teacher teaching English to them. Moreover, there are some problems faced by the teacher because most of the students are silent and chat with their friends during class activity in cycle I. The researcher suggests to the teacher, that the teacher must have control over the class during the teaching learning process to overcome that problem. In cycle II, the problem faced by the teacher is lower than cycle I because only a few the students who are silent and chat with their friends during class activity. The researcher suggests to the teacher, that the teacher must have a great motivation to make students more active. In cycle III, the teaching learning process can be run well and there is no problem faced by the teacher in this cycle. Ostensive Teaching can improve the speaking ability of the student, so it is suggested that the English teacher uses Ostensive Teaching as the alternative teaching technique to teach English for the students to improve students’ vocabulary. In application of Ostensive Teaching, it demands the students to be active in class activity, so it is suggested that the English teacher uses interesting clue and interesting media to the student when teaching learning process, so the students can be enjoy in study English.   ABSTRAKSI Shodiqin, Ahmad. 2012. Meningkatkan Penguasaan Kosakata Siswa Kelas dari Kelima SD 2 Kudus Kedungdowo pada Tahun Akademik 2011/2012 dengan Menggunakan Ostensive Teaching. Skripsi. Progam Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Fakutas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidi} }