@thesis{thesis, author={ Astiningtyas }, title ={The Ability of Reading Narrative Text of the Tenth Grade Students of SMA NEGERI 2 Demak in the Academic Year 2012/2013 Taught by Using Contextual Guessing Technique}, year={2012}, url={http://eprints.umk.ac.id/1272/}, abstract={ Astiningtyas, Murni. 2012. The Ability of Reading Narrative Text of the Tenth Grade Students of SMA NEGERI 2 Demak in the Academic Year 2012/2013 Taught by Using Contextual Guessing Technique. Skripsi: English Education Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty of Muria Kudus University. Advisors: (1) FajarKartika, SS, M.Hum. (2) Dra. Sri EndangKusmaryati, M.Pd. Key words: Reading, Narrative Text, Contextual Guessing Technique Reading is one of language skills that must be given to the students in teaching English in order that they can read and understand English texts effectively and efficiently. But, many students are still hard to read and understand texts well. This condition is also found in the tenth grade students of SMA NEGERI 2 Demak. According to the English teacher, the students still have problem when they have to read and understand the text. From the observation, it is because the teacher cannot manage the students in the classroom. So, many students feel bored and cannot concentrate on their learning. They try to talk with their friends when the teacher explains the material and ask with their friends about the meaning of the text. So, the writer tries to use new technique to help the students learn English, especially in reading skill. The writer use Contextual Guessing Technique in teaching reading narrative text for the tenth grade students of SMA NEGERI 2 Demak in academic year 2012/2013. The objective of this research is: (1) to find out the ability of reading narrative text of the tenth grade students of SMA NEGERI 2 Demak in academic year 2012/2013 before being taught by using Contextual Guessing Technique, (2) to find out the ability of reading narrative text of the tenth grade students of SMA NEGERI 2 Demak in academic year 2012/2013 after being taught by using Contextual Guessing Technique, (3) to find out whether there is a significant difference between the ability of reading narrative text of the tenth grade students before and after being taught by using Contextual Guessing Technique This research design is experimental research. The population used in this research is all the students of the tenth grade students of SMA NEGERI 2 Demak in the academic year 2012/2013. The writer takes one class as the sample by using cluster random sampling technique, it is X-6. The research instrument used by the writer is pre-test and post-test those are reading test. The result shows that: (1) the ability of reading narrative text of the tenth grade students of SMA NEGERI 2 Demak in academic year 2012/2013 before being taught by using Contextual Guessing Technique is categorized sufficient with the mean 62.5 and deviation standard is 8.4, (2) the ability of reading narrative text of the tenth grade students of SMA NEGERI 2 Demak in academic year 2012/2013 after being taught by using Contextual Guessing Technique is categorized good with the mean 73.7and deviation standard is 9.52, (3) there is a significant difference between the ability of reading narrative text of the tenth grade students before and after being taught by using Contextual Guessing Technique (to = 7.97>tt= 2.02269) Based on the result above, the writer suggest that the teacher should use contextual guessing technique in teaching reading narrative text in order the students interest and do not feel bored in understanding the material that has been taught. } }