@thesis{thesis, author={Febiastri Supraba Khamid}, title ={ATTITUDES CREATE READERS ABOUT Ciptakan Kampung Aman in Jawa Pos Daily Newspaper (Quantitative Descriptive Study of Attitudes About Readers About News Create Safe in The Daily Java Kampung Pos)}, year={2011}, url={http://www.upnjatim.ac.id}, abstract={This study aims to determine attitudes toward the news reader on Ciptakan Kampung Aman in Jawa Pos Daily Newspaper that reviews how public attitudes after reading the news and the security programs that can be utilized by the reader in maintaining environmental safety. The foundation of the theory is used, such as understanding the attitude, the reader as the audience of mass media, newspapers as a medium of mass communication, newspapers as social control, and the theory of SOR (Stimulus, Organism, and Response) The research method used is descriptive method, with one variable. The population in this study is Jawa Pos readers aged 17-40 years, based in Surabaya, Surabaya have ID cards, and live in areas that appeared in the news Ciptakan Kampung Aman. The sampling technique using purposive sampling method with criteria respondents Jawa Pos readers who have been aged 17-40 years, based in Surabaya, Surabaya have ID cards, and live in areas that appeared in the news Ciptakan Kampung Aman. The study involved 100 respondents. From this study showed that attitudes about the news reader on the Ciptakan Kampung Aman in Jawa Pos Daily Newspaper is positive. This is due to high rates of crime and criminality that occurred in Surabaya, so that the public demands to preserve the neighborhood and always vigilant} }