@thesis{thesis, author={Fattah }, title ={The Writing Ability of Eleventh Grade Students of MAN 2 Kudus in the Academic Year 2012/2013 Taught by Using Web Log Media. Skripsi. }, year={2013}, url={http://eprints.umk.ac.id/1348/}, abstract={Fattah, Abdul. 2013. The Writing Ability of Eleventh Grade Students of MAN 2 Kudus in the Academic Year 2012/2013 Taught by Using Web Log Media. Skripsi. English Education Department. Teacher Training and Education Faculty, Muria Kudus University. Advisors: (i) Dr. H.A. HilalMadjdi, M.Pd, (ii) Mutohhar, S.Pd, M.Pd Key words: English,Writing, Web Log, InstructionalMedia English writing skill is very important current digital era. Therefore, the writing skill in English lesson becomes an imperative skill to master. However, many students still consider writing as the most difficult skill. This issue occur to the eleventh grade students of MAN 2 Kudus. The writer intended to use Web Log to find out whether the media is capable of solving the problem. The purpose of this research was to find out whether there is a significant difference between the writing ability of the eleventh grade students of MAN 2 Kudus in the academic year 2012/2013 before and after being taught by using Web Log as media. The research design used in this research was single group pre-test and post-test experimental research. The subject of this research was the eleventh grade students of MAN 2 Kudus in the academic year 2012/2013. The form of the test was written test in the same genre i.e. hortatory exposition text genre. Based on the data analyzed, the result showed that the writing ability of the eleventh grade students of MAN 2 Kudus in the academic year 2012/2013 before and after being taught by using Web Log were categorized as sufficient with mean value of 68.1 and standard deviation of 5.8, and good with mean value of 76.8 and standard deviation of 4.8, respectively. The calculation of the t-observation (t0) was 7.67. The value was higher than the value on the t-table in level of significance 0.05 with df of 39 i.e. 2.02. It means that there is significant difference between the writing ability of the eleventh grade students of MAN 2 Kudus before and after being taught by using Web Log in the academic year 2012/2013. Based on the result of the research above, the researcher suggests that Web Log can be used as an alternative teaching media to teach writing for the Senior High School grade especially at school which provides wireless connection and encourages their students to bring mobile computers. The media is capable of keeping the students’ writing works organized and keeping mutual academic interaction between them so that their writing ability improved. ABSTRAK Fattah, Abdul. 2013. KemampuanMenulisSiswaKelasSebelas MAN 2 Kudus padaTahunAjaran 2012/2013 DiajarMenggunakanMedia Web Log. Skripsi. Program StudiPendidikanBahasaInggrisFakultasKeguruanIlmuPendidikanUniversitasMuria Kudus. Pembimbing: (i) Dr. H.A. HilalMadjdi, M.Pd, (ii) Mutohhar, S.Pd, M.Pd Kata kunci: Bahasa Inggris, Menulis, Web Log, Instructional Media KemampuanmenulisberbahasaInggrissangatpenting di era digital sekarang. Olehkarenaitu, kemampuanmenulissepertihalnya di dalampelajaranbahasainggrismenjadikemampuan yang harusdikuasai. Tetapibanyaksiswa yang masihmenganggapmenulisadalahkemampuan yang paling sulit. Masalahiniterjadipadasiswakelas XI di MAN 2 Kudus. Penulisbermaksudmenggunakan Web Log untukmemeriksaapakah media itubisamemecahkanmasalahtersebut. Tujuanpenelitianiniadalahuntukmencaritahuapakahadaperbedaan yang signifikanantarakemampuanmenulis para siswakelas XI di MAN 2 Kudus padaTahunAjaran 2012/2013 sebelumdansesudahdiajarmenggunakan Web Log. Desainpenelitian yang digunakanadalahpenelitian experimental pre-test dan post-test group tunggal. Subyekpenelitianiniadalah para siswakelas XI di MAN 2 Kudus padaTahunAjaran 2012/2013. Bentuk test menggunakan test tulisdalam genre yang samayaitu Hortatory Exposition. Berdasarkan data yang telahdianalisa, hasilmenunjukkanbahwakemampuanmenulisolehsiswakelas XI di MAN 2 Kudus padaTahunAjaran 2012/2013 sebelumdiajarmenggunakan Web Log adalahcukupdengan rata-rata 68,1 danstandardeviasi 5,8dansesudahnyadengan rata-rata 76,8 danstandardeviasi 4,8. Perhitungan t-hitung (t0) adalah 7,67, nilaiitulebihtinggidarinilaidalamtabel t padatingkatsignifikansi 0,05 dengandf 39yaitu 2,02. Hal ituberartiadaperbedaan yang signifikanantarakemampuanmenulispadasiswakelas XI di MAN 2 Kudus padaTahunAjaran 2012/2013 sebelumdansesudahdiajarmenggunakan Web Log. Berdasarkanhasilpenelitian di atas, penelitimenyarankanbahwa web log dapatdigunakansebagai media pengajaranalternatifuntukmengajarmenulisuntuktingkat SMA khususnyasekolah yang menyediakankoneksi wireless danmenyarankansiswanyauntukmembawa laptop. Media tersebutdapatmembuattulisansiswaterorganisirdanmembuatinteraksiakademis yang menguntungkandiantaramerekasehinggakemampuanmenulismerekameningkat. } }