@thesis{thesis, author={Kulsum }, title ={The use of code mixing in the “request time program” on RCT FM Radio Semarang. Skripsi: English Education Department, Teacher Training and Education Faculty, }, year={2013}, url={http://eprints.umk.ac.id/1360/}, abstract={Kulsum, Ummi. 2013. The use of code mixing in the “request time program” on RCT FM Radio Semarang. Skripsi: English Education Department, Teacher Training and Education Faculty, Muria Kudus University. Advisors: (i) Rismiyanto, SS, M. Pd, (ii) Titis Sulistyowati, SS, M. Pd. Keywords: Code mixing Language is an effective communication tool and has a big role in all aspects of life. English is one of languages used in all nations as international language. English is not only used as introduction language in affairs of state and politics, it is also used in trading, science and technology. The example of the technology that uses English is broadcasting. When a broadcaster broadcast the programs, we can see its influence in the way to speak which is used in broadcasting. Because the intensity of using languages in one chance. For example, the sentences of Indonesian are inserted phrase or word of English, Javanese to get the proper words. Their conversations indicated that code mixing involved. In this research, the researcher wanted find out (1) the types of code mixing are found in the request time program of RCT FM Radio Semarang, (2) the factors which motivated the broadcasters to use of code mixing in the request time program on RCT FM Radio Semarang. Method of this research is descriptive qualitative. That is listening, writing the word used by the broadcasters of RCT FM Radio Semarang. To get the data needed, the researcher acted as the data collector and the observer. The writer chose the non formal program (music) as the data source because the program can make the broadcasters have the chance to do code mixing. In this research, the writer found (1) word (31/ 38.27%) and (2) phrase (13/ 16.05%), (3) hybrid (10/ 12.35%), (4) word reduplication (5/ 6.17%), (5) clause (16/ 19.75%), and (6) idiom (6/ 7.41%) types of code mixing and (1) Identifying speaker identity (3/ 3.70%), (2) Avoiding misinterpretation (5/ 6.17%) and (3) Make variation of speech (73/ 90.13%) types of factor. Then, mostly the code mixing that is used by the broadcaster is word and the factor which motivates the broadcaster of using code mixing is to make the speech be more varieties. From the research result can be concluded that a broadcaster can use language in doing code mixing. For the option of vocabulary that appropriates with the program, situation and condition, this will be successful to make the listener interested that the broadcasters who did not consider the option of vocabulary when they broad their program. The reason the broadcasters to use code mixing are to make variation in conversation because its have become habit in radio broadcast and the broadcaster more relaxing in such informal situation and to show identity of speaker. ABSTRAKSI Kulsum, Ummi. 2013. Penggunaan code mixing dalam program “request time” di RCT FM Radio Semarang. Skripsi: Program Studi Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Muria Kudus. Pembimbing: (i) Rismiyanto, SS, M. Pd, (ii) Titis Sulistyowati, SS, M. Pd. Kata kunci: Kode Campuran Bahasa merupakan alat komunikasi yang efektif dan mempunyai peranan yang sangat besar dalam aspek kehidupan diberbagai bidang. Bahasa inggris merupakan salah satu bahasa yang digunakan oleh seluruh bangsa di dunia sebagai bahasa pengantar dalam masalah-masalah kenegaraan atau politik saja tetapi juga digunakan dalam hubungan perdagangan, ilmu pengetahuan, dan teknologi di dunia. Contoh teknologi yang menggunakan bahasa inggris adalah dalam proses penyiaran. Pada saat penyiar menyiarkan program–program acaranya dapat dilihat pengaruhnya pada cara bahasa yang digunakan dan diterapkan dalam penyiaran. Karena intensitas penggunaan bahasa lebih dari satu bahasa yang digunakan, maka penyiar sering berbicara dengan menggunkan dalam berbagai bahasa dalam suatu kesempatan. Misalnya banyak kalimat-kalimat bahasa Indonesia yang disisipi frasa-frasa atau kata-kata bahasa inggris atau bahasa jawa untuk mendapatkan kata-kata yang sesuai atau tepat. Peristiwa-peristiwa seperti ini menandakan adanya campur kode. Dalam penelitian ini, peneliti ingin mengetahui: (1) tipe-tipe kode campuran yang ditemukan di acara request time di RCT FM Radio Semarang, (2) factor-faktor yang memotivasi penyiar menggunakan kode campuran di acara request time di RCT FM Radio Semarang. Metode penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualintatif. Dan yang dilakukan peneliti adalah mendengarkan, mencatat kata-kata yang digunakan oleh penyiar-penyiar radio RCT FM Semarang. Untuk mendapatkan data yang diperlukan, maka peneliti bertindak sebagai pengumpul data dan pengamat saja. Peneliti memilih program non formal (music) sebagai sumber data karena program tersebut dapat memberikan kesempatan lebih pada penyiar-penyiar untuk mencampur kode. Dalam analisis ini, penulis menemukan (31) tipe kode campuran kata, (13) tipe kode campuran frase, (10) tipe hybrid kode campuran, (5) tipe kode campuran} }