@thesis{thesis, author={Dian Pratiwi}, title ={PERANCANGAN DAN PEMBUATAN PERANGKAT LUNAK MANAJEMEN PEGAWAI DI FAKULTAS TEKNOLOGI INDUSTRI UPN “VETERAN” JAWA TIMUR}, year={2011}, url={http://www.upnjatim.ac.id/}, abstract={With as the development of UPN "Veteran" East Java and technology that the longer rapidly development in line with the technology found and advanced tools, this has resulted in increasing levels of competition in the business world and it is a challenge that must be faced by all parties, especially in the industrial world that can not be separated from technology electronics and information, then the system is in government employment or companies is to smooth the task of the organization and become supporting elements implementation of the management functions of an organization is an objection and smooth running of administration activities Management development needs of employees conducted by information about the current state of employee data, both about the addition of data new employees into the database, changes to employee data or deletion employee benefits data so that data available to the benefit of employees concerned and other parties who require the organization particular. Thus, in making employment application that is intended to simplify data management personnel in the course of the Faculty of Technology Industry UPN "Veteran" Java. With the personnel management information system can be help FTI UPN "Veteran" Java is able to get information about state employees quickly and accurately, knowing about the group, position, or age will retire, make a routine report generation, or periodic quickly and easily done. } }