@thesis{thesis, author={LUSIANA KURNIA MAHEKA}, title ={DAMPAK KEBERADAAN PASAR INDUK “PUSPA AGRO” TERHADAP SOSIAL EKONOMI KELUARGA TANI SAYUR DAN BUAH DI DESA JEMUNDO KECAMATAN TAMAN KABUPATEN SIDOARJO}, year={2011}, url={http://www.upnjatim.ac.id}, abstract={Wholesale market "Puspa Agro" is the most comprehensive and largest market in Indonesia. Obviously, a wholesale market "Puspa Agro" bring impact to the surrounding environment. The impact of the existence of a wholesale market "Puspa Agro" against family socioeconomic vegetable and fruit farmers in the village of Sidoarjo Regency Park District Jemundo. The existence of a wholesale market "Puspa Agro" positive and significant impact on the type of work the family farm vegetables and fruit, this can be seen from calculating the value Z = 4.33; Z table = 3.481 (? = 0.05, df = 1), then the Z count = 4.33> Z table = 3.481 so that Ho refused and H1 accepted. The existence of a wholesale market "Puspa Agro" bring the impact of additional family income of vegetable farmers and fruit. Farm family income of vegetables and fruits before the main market "Puspa Agro" significantly different from the income of fruit and vegetable farmers 'family after the wholesale market "Puspa Agro', this can be seen from the t value = 5.61 ? 0.05 t table = 1.699 Ho accepted and H1 is rejected. Wholesale market "Puspa Agro" also bring socio-economic impact on the family fruit and vegetable farmers in the village of Jemundo namely environmental security is realized with the construction of security posts after the wholesale market "Puspa Agro", which were no security checkpoints; Social activities which is not much different between social activities prior to the wholesale market "Puspa Agro" by following the wholesale market "Puspa Agro" and still exercise of social activities, even more and more social activities undertaken by farmers of vegetables and fruits though they are busy working ; religious activity before and after the wholesale market "Puspa Agro" not much different from even a positive impact due to the existence of a wholesale market "Puspa Agro ', farmers' income increased by making it easier for fund raising activities are beneficial.} }