@thesis{thesis, author={Okty Parisa}, title ={PENGOLAHAN AIR LIMBAH DOMESTIK RUMAH SUSUN WONOREJO SECARA BIOLOGI DENGAN TRICKLING FILTER}, year={2010}, url={http://www.upnjatim.ac.id}, abstract={Domestic waste water is used water that can not be used again, the waste water from kitchen activities, bathroom and laundry. Domestic waste water containing more dar 90% liquid, in which there are substances such as suspended and dissolved organic elements, inorganic elements and microorganisms. Trickling filter is one of the biological process by using a pumice stone in a random media. Waste water will flow through the media, within a few days there will be a layer of mucus that blankets the pumice stone. This mucus layer contains microorganisms that will process / degradation the waste water. As the variables used is flow rate (ml / min) 100, 150, 200, 250 and 300 and the recirculation ratio 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, and 2.5 with test parameters BOD and TSS The best result obtained from this study is the flow rate 100 ml / min with recirculation ratio of 1.5 produce BOD allowance amounting to 84.11% while for the provision of TSS at flow rate 100 ml / min and recirculation ratio of 1.5 produces allowance of 73 . , 21%.} }