@thesis{thesis, author={FEBRI KURNIA PUTRI}, title ={PENGARUH ANALISIS FUNDAMENTAL TERHADAP PERGERAKAN HARGA SAHAM ( Studi kasus pada perbankan yang masuk Indeks LQ 45 Bursa Efek Indonesia).}, year={2011}, url={http://www.upnjatim.ac.id}, abstract={Every company needs a very large capital, to the views of the owners of the company directed to capital markets both from domestic and abroad because of capital market is the place to get investment capital. The capital market has some excellent stock grouping collected in a. LQ 45. LQ 45 Index is a market capitalization of the 45 most liquid stocks and large capitalization value. Needs information about stock prices for investors is increasing, it is because investors want to reduce losses. This study will use fundamental analysis to determine inflation, exchange rates and interest rates simultaneously affect and partially to the stock price. The population in this study are all banking companies in the index LQ 45 in the period from 2006 to 2009 Indonesia Stock Exchange. While the sample is taken as an object of study as many as 6 (six), banking, using purposive sampling technique. This study uses secondary data obtained from the Indonesian Stock Exchange (BEI) for internal data company that is banking stock price index LQ 45 period 2006 to 2009. As for the variable inflation, exchange rates and interest rates obtained through the official website of Bank Indonesia (BI) in the period 2006 to 2009. Data analysis using multiple linear regression model and to test the hypothesis using the F test as a simultaneous test (together - the same) and t test as a partial test of the study variables. The results showed that the variable inflation, exchange rates and interest rates simultaneously affect the stock price. In a partial test result, inflation variable does not significantly affect the stock price and interest rate variables also did not significantly influence stock prices. It can be concluded only partially variable exchange rates significantly influence stock price.} }