@thesis{thesis, author={MOHAMAD SUBIYANTO}, title ={Situasi Konsumsi Dan Peluang Pasar Pangan Dengan Pendekatan Pola Pangan Harapan (PPH) Di Kabupaten Ngawi}, year={2010}, url={http://www.upnjatim.ac.id}, abstract={Food represent a[n requirement of fundamental / elementary to human being which must fulfill by society and government by together. Government as society and fasilitator carry out production process and is ready, commerce, distribution and also personate rightful claimant consumer obtain;get food which enough in number, quality of is, peaceful, nutritious, immeasurable, flatten and reached by their purchasing power. *****Fufilled* requirement of the food can be seen from its availability. Availibility of food which enough not yet guaranteed protected of resident from problem of and food of gizi. Besides its availability also require to be paid attention from pattern aspect consume contribution balance or household among consumed food type, so that can fulfill standard of gizi suggested This research aim to to : 1). To analysing situation consume resident food base on expectation food pattern ( PPH); 2). Analysing situation consume resident food [in] economic region go forward, middle and left behind; 3). Analysing projection consume and ready goals [of] resident food with approach of expectation food pattern ( PPH). This Research [is] [done/conducted] [by] Sub-Province region of Ngawi, [at] 9 district, every district 3 countryside and each countryside 10 household sampel, so that the amount of responder 270 household, taking place from April up to May 2010. Technique determination of region of sampel use regional characteristic [of] economics ( go forward, middlely, left behind). Data analysed to use Sofware Application Computer " Analysis Situation Consume Regional Food [of] Sub-Province" which [in] program by Heryatno ( 2005) and developed by Martianto, Baliwati, Heryatno and of Herawati ( 2009). Result of research show consumption of energi aktual by totally 2505,2 kkal/kap/hr, exceeding Sufficiency of Energi resident ( 2036,2 kkal/kap/hr) and also fomentation of WKPNG VIII ( 2004) equal to 2000 kkal/kap/hr. Consume excessive energi there are [at] grain food group ( 1419,9 kkal/kap/hr)/AKE ( 1018,1 kkal/kap/hr), fruit / oily seed ( 84,7 kkal/kap/hr)/AKE ( 61,1 kkal/kap/hr), legume ( 490,7 kkal/kap/hr)/AKE ( 101,8 kkal/kap/hr) and vegetable / fruit ( 147,9 kkal/kap/hr)/AKE ( 122,2 kkal/kap/hr) but consumption of energi other food group exactly below/under number sufficiency of resident like umbi-umbian ( 48,1 kkal/kap/hr)/AKE ( 122,2 kkal/kap/hr), hewani ( 154,9 kkal/kap/hr)/AKE ( 244,3 kkal/kap/hr), fat and oil (123,9 kkal/kap/hr)/AKE ( 203,6 kkal/kap/hr), sugar ( 33,0 kkal/kap/hr)/AKE ( 101,8 kkal/kap/hr) and others food ( 3,1 kkal/kap/hr)/AKE ( 61,1 kkal/kap/hr). Relate from fomentation of WKPNG VIII ( 2004) that pattern consume food resident of Sub-Province of Ngawi not yet fulfilled the quality of consumption and reside in [at] food consumption ketidakberimbangan needed by human being body to be able to live healthyly, productive and active. Consumption of Energi [at] economic region go forward ( 2365,6 kkal/kap/hr) lower compared to with middle economic region ( 2390,9 kkal/kap/hr) and economic region [of] left behind ( 2758,9 kkal/kap/hr), but still higher with AKE ( 2007,6 kkal/kap/hr), but consume energi [at] economic region go forward more coming near with number recommend national ( 2000 kkal/kap/hr). This matter show economic consumption pattern go forward better compared to with middle economics and left behind. Mean consume protein ( 85,9 gram/kap/hr)/160,5%, exceeding number sufficiency of protein ( 52,9 gram/kap/hr) also above AKP fomentation of WKPNG 2004 ( 52 gram/kap/hr), height consume protein caused [by] participation height consume legume food group ( soybean cake / tempe). Excess of protein consumption of AKP will have no use for body as source of constructor Iihat vitamin, but will be thrown to replace as source of power ( energi) which less than consume other food materials. With growth of resident of Sub-Province of Ngawi equal to 0,78 / year, hence ready goals analysis [of] requirement of year food 2010 (453.906 ton / year) and can be targeted ready 100 % year 2020 totally food 334.605 ton / year. In this ready goals [is] each food group there [is] which go down there [is] also which must be boosted up, so that will be created [by] opportunity of food market} }