@thesis{thesis, author={Dimas Agil Pribadi}, title ={PEMAKNAAN KARIKATUR PADA SURAT KABAR KOMPAS (Studi Semiotik Pemaknaan Karikatur Pada Surat Kabar Kompas "Kontroversi Kasus Mafia Pajak Gayus Holomoan Tambunan" Edisi Rabu, 12 Januari 2011)}, year={2011}, url={http://eprints.upnjatim.ac.id/1498}, abstract={DIMAS AGIL PRIBADI, NEWSPAPER IN THE MEANING OF CARICATURE KOMPAS (Semiotic Study of the Making of Caricature In Newspapers Compass "Controversy Case Holomoan Tambunan Gaius Tax Mafia" Edition Wednesday, January 12, 2011) Goals to be achieved in this research is to know the meaning of caricature in the newspaper Kompas edition of Wednesday, January 12th, 2011. The foundation of the theories used in this study including the Semiotics of Charles Sanders Pierce, Caricature in Mass Media and the Concept of Meaning. The unit of analysis in this study is a sign that is in the form of caricature drawings and writings contained in the caricature in Kompas newspaper edition of Wednesday, January 12th, 2011, and then interpreted by using icons, indexes and symbols. While the data analysis techniques used in this research is descriptive method. This study uses a semiotic method. Result analysis and interpretation featuring caricature drawings on Kompas newspaper edition Wednesday, January 12th, 2011 is the weakness of law in Indonesia and did not heed the wellbeing. The conclusion is that people do not want governments timid attitude in dealing with problems of corruption and rights that should be given to the people actually used by irresponsible parties. Keywords : Meaning, Caricature, Semiotics, Kompas Newspaper, Gayus H. Tambunan.} }