@thesis{thesis, author={ NURFITRIANA HARIYANTO DIAN}, title ={ ANALYSIS OF LEXICAL COHESION FOUND IN ENGLISH TEXTBOOK OF “LOOK AHEAD 2” FOR ELEVENTH GRADE OF SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL PUBLISHED BY ERLANGGA }, year={2013}, url={http://eprints.umk.ac.id/1679/}, abstract={ Textbook has a great role in teaching and learning. It is like a guidance for teacher in teaching and it can be a reference for students in studying. To get the message of the texts in textbook, the readers have to understand the text. The usage of vocabulary in the text influences the readers’ understanding of the text. That’s why lexical cohesion is needed in understanding the text. The lexical cohesion can be identified through the types of lexical cohesion. The types of lexical cohesion are repetition, synonym, hyponym, antonym, metonym and collocation. The objectives of this research are to find out types of lexical cohesions and the percentages of lexical cohesion in English textbook of “Look Ahead 2” for Eleventh Grade of Senior High School Published by Erlangga This is a qualitative research. I attempt to describe the lexical cohesion found in English textbook of “Look Ahead 2” for Eleventh Grade of Senior High School Published by Erlangga. Whereas, the data of this research are lexical cohesion of 10 texts from 43 texts that found in English textbook of “Look Ahead 2” for Eleventh Grade of Senior High School. Meanwhile, the data source in this research are 10 texts from 43 texts that found in English textbook of “Look Ahead 2” for Eleventh Grade of Senior High School. From analyzing the data of the research, it was obtained that: (1) types of lexical cohesion found in English textbook of “Look Ahead 2” for Eleventh Grade of Senior High School Published by Erlangga are repetition, synonym, antonym, hyponym, meronym and collocation, (ii)the percentage of lexical cohesion types in English textbook of “Look Ahead 2” for Eleventh Grade of Senior High School Published by Erlangga is repetition with 69,5% followed by synonym with 8,4%, hyponym with 6,6%, collocation with 6,6%, antonym with 5,3%, and metonym with 3,6%. From the result of this research, it was suggested for (i) The English teachers should choose carefully the appropriate textbook for their students as a references in teaching and learning process.. (ii) The students should use and make composition of texts cohesively especially in their study in order to get clear understanding about the message conveyed. (iii) The reader can add their knowledge and get new information about the theory of how to create the cohesion in composition of writing texts. } }