@thesis{thesis, author={AZHARI WIBISONO}, title ={UJI EFEKTIFITAS DAN KONSENTRASI BERBAGAI MACAM ISOLAT Pseudomonas flourescens TERHADAP PERTUMBUHAN DAN HASIL TANAMAN CABAI BESAR (Capsicum annum L.) DI LAPANG}, year={2014}, url={http://eprints.upnjatim.ac.id/6741/}, abstract={Pseudomonas fluorescens bacteria are biological agents that can suppress plant disease development and growth promoter. The objective of this research was to study of isolate Pseudomonads fluorecens who has the most excellent in suppressing the development of chili plants to wilt disease and spur growth. This research was conducted in the Laboratory Health Plant the Faculty of Agriculture Universitas Pembangunan Nasional ?Veteran? East Java and in the Agricultural Land Ketimang Village, Regency Wonoayu, District of Sidoarjo using Randomized Block Design (RBD). This study is a factorial experiment (two factors). The first factor is kinds isolate Pseudomonads fluorescens with four (4) levels: Control / distilled water (P0), isolates Pf B (P1), isolates Pf 122 (P2) and isolates Pf 160 (P3). The second factor is the concentrate with three (3) levels, Concentration 1011(K1), Concentration 1010 (K2), and Concentration 109 (K3) The results showed that treatment of Pf 160 is the most excellent in promoting the growth of chili in the land, than suppressing the development of wilt disease, followed Pf 122 and Pf B. Concentrasion 1011 best in spurring growth and yield of chili plants in the land. Keywords: Pseudomonas fluorescens, growth, concentration} }