@thesis{thesis, author={BERLIAN YULIANA}, title ={PERANCANGAN BRAND IDENTITY KAMPUNG BATIK TUBAN”}, year={2014}, url={http://eprints.upnjatim.ac.id/6743/}, abstract={Brand Identity is a process to make an identity or brand that can be known of everyone. Brand Identity can be fully mean as a brand that has their view point of identity to attract attention of people. But that Brand Identity is not only can be seen, but also can be remembered, touched, felt and it is real. The brand also can be found everywhere. They are such mascots, billboards, signage, and others. In the making of this brand, needed some very important elements, that support in processing the identity, they are colors, example of logos, typography, and layout. Brand Identity is so influential in design world, moreover for the new built firms. For that firms certainly need an identity or brand, so that they can be known of people. Just like one of village in Tuban City that needs this Brand Identity too. Tuban City has craft that has been handed down by their ancestor for the next generation, so that the craft that has long made will not be extinct. Previously batik was made by weaving process, but in the modern era like this, looms that was used to made batik has changed to canting. Most of the batik maker the oldest until the youngest are still active to make batik. This Batik Tuban Village also needs an identity to introduce people of their place, so that the people know of the existence of batik village behind the hill and it can be batik tourism.The main media that use to introduce Batik Tuban Village to people is GSM Book. The methods that the writer did to made design were interviewed with the informant of Tuban City?s government as stake holder and the headman of batik village, and also spread 100 questionnaire. The result of the methods was many people did not know the existence of Batik Tuban Village in Margorejo Village. So making Brand Identity for the Batik Tuban Village is right implementation of design as solution to introduce and promote this place to the world. Keywords: Brand Identity, Batik, Tuban Graphic Standard Manual} }