@thesis{thesis, author={HADI SYAMSUDIN}, title ={ANALISA KUALITAS PRODUK PIRING MELAMIN DENGAN METODE SIX SIGMA DI PT.SEMESTA RAYA ABADI JAYA}, year={2014}, url={http://eprints.upnjatim.ac.id/6787/}, abstract={This research is to perform clustering of activity in the central library book borrowers UPN "Veteran" East Java from a variety of majors. Based on borrowing books at the library circulation center UPN "Veteran" East Java, for 3 months are June, July and September is 1922 data. The center?s library UPN "Veteran" East Java don?t know of any department that perform activities as a borrower of books and book groups which are much borrowed. So it can?t be recommended priority groups to be reproduced. Given these problems , then conducted research grouping and group borrower are many books borrowed by k-means clustering method to support the teaching and learning process. This research were obtained 3 clusters. Data in cluster 1 (less active) there are 778 students , cluster 2 (moderately active) there are 267 students and cluster 3 (active) there are 877 students. For groups that are often borrowed books from the 3 cluster is a applied technology in technology management especially accounting and general management. Keywords : borrowers, library books, cluster, k-means clustering} }