@thesis{thesis, author={WIGA AGUS TIANTO}, title ={ANALISA WASTE PADA LANTAI PRODUKSI DENGAN PENDEKATAN LEAN MANUFACTURING DI PT. JAVA PACIFIC KRIAN-SIDOARJO}, year={2014}, url={http://eprints.upnjatim.ac.id/6796/}, abstract={The Performance of a company can be seen from how efficient production system that is run by the company. Appropriate approach and can be used to overcome the problem of inefficiency or waste that occurs in a production system in the company is Lean Manufacturing. Lean is a modern management model that integrates al supply chain activities with the objective to identyfy and search for the causes of waste, and minimize or even eliminate it. This study aims to minimize the occurence of waste in the production process of Hot Rolled Coil (Sheet Steel Heat) at PT. Java Pacific by using the Lean Manufactuing approach. The first attempt to do is to describe the Big Picture Mapping to describe the overall system and its flow value (values stream) contained in the company. Then identify the waste that occurs in the company and then procces the data by using the tools Process Activity Mapping. Based the obtained processing 3 scores highest average weight Accidents (Environmental, Health, and Safety) with a weight of 4,18, Product Defects with a weight of 4,13, and the process is not suitable (Excess Process) with weight 4,10. This was followed by the calculation VALSAT and produced the highest score is PAM (Process Activity Mapping) with a score 163,6. Proposed improvement to view largest RPN value is Environmental, Health, and Safety or Health and Safety at work is a notive to empployees about the importance of K3. Key words : Lean Manufacturing, Nine Waste, Big Picture Mapping, Value Stream Analysis Tools (VALSAT), Process Activity Mapping (PAM), FMEA.} }