@thesis{thesis, author={BRIAN PRAVILIA MINATA GITA NATALIS RASAI KINASIH}, title ={SISTEM PENGENDALIAN MUTU PEMBIBITAN JATI PLUS PERHUTANI DI KPH BLITAR}, year={2014}, url={http://eprints.upnjatim.ac.id/6876/}, abstract={The research objective of this thesis is to investigate the determination of the standard of quality teak seedlings in KPH plus Blitar, knowing the implementation of the quality control system plus teak seedlings in KPH Blitar and evaluate the implementation of quality control system and cause failure in Blitar KPH. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative analysis method and the method of calculation called NPS or (Normal Progress Schedule). Data collection through primary data and secondary data. To achieve the first goal and the second is to use a qualitative descriptive analysis. To achieve the third objective, namely using a calculation called NPS or (Normal Progress Schedule). Based on the calculation of the NPS applied when evaluating the application of the quality control system plus teak nursery, forestry successfully reduced the rate of death at nursery plus teak forestry in Blitar KPH in 2012 amounted to 20.96 % of the standard was set at 25 %. So the hypothesis is accepted and the application of quality control in breeding system plus teak forestry in Blitar KPH in 2012 declared a success. Keywords: quality control, NPS calculation, the teak plus perhutani } }