@thesis{thesis, author={EKO SETYO BUDI}, title ={ANALISIS RENTABILITAS USAHA TERNAK ITIK PETELUR DI DESA KEBONSARI KECAMATAN CANDI SIDOARJO }, year={2014}, url={http://eprints.upnjatim.ac.id/6881/}, abstract={The purpose of this study is to analyze the profitability of businesses in the village laying duck Kebonsari Temple District of Sidoarjo, and formulate measures to improve business profitability laying duck in the village temple Kebonsari District of Sidoarjo. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative method of analysis and profitability analysis method. Data collection through primary data and secondary data. To achieve the first objective is profitability analysis method, and for the purpose of both the qualitative descriptive analysis method. Based on calculations using the method of profitability analysis, business profitability value laying duck in the village of Candi Sidoarjo District of Kebonsari by 23.83%. That is, the ability of the company or farmer to make a profit in the laying duck effort that is equal to 23.83% within 1 year. Business profitability, results in the laying duck Kebonsari village subdistrict of Sidoarjo temple can be said for a decent try. So the hypothesis is rejected because, according to the criteria of profitability is classified category value is not feasible, because the threshold criteria is below low at 25.5%. Keywords : duck farming business, profitability analysis, laying ducks.} }