@thesis{thesis, author={MALIK KURDIANTO}, title ={ANALISIS KEBIJAKAN SWASEMBADA GULA DI INDONESIA }, year={2014}, url={http://eprints.upnjatim.ac.id/6885/}, abstract={Sugar is an essential commodity for the people of Indonesia and even for the world community. The benefits of sugar as a source of calories for people other than rice, corn and tubers make sugar as one of the staple food. have increased at a rate of 1.2%, respectively, and 7.8%. Domestic sugar demand continues to increase during the period 2005-2013. In general, sugar production pattern has the same tendency to demand the production of sugar, but the amount of sugar is still below the demand for sugar. This study discusses self-sufficiency in Indonesia, by analyzing the factors that influence self-sufficiency in Indonesia, the policy provisions for the success of self-sufficiency in sugar imports in Indonesia, and strategies to achieve self-sufficiency in Indonesia The scope of this study includes data processing sugar national (macro ) beginning in 2002-2012. This study uses a simultaneous equation model estimated Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) with the computer program Microsoft Excel 2007 and Statistical Analysis Software / Econometric Time Series (SAS / ETS) version 9.1. The factors that greatly affect the achievement of self-sufficiency in Indonesia is the yield of sugar, sugarcane acreage, the production of sugarcane, the price of the national fertilizer, rainfall, pol sugar cane, sugar production, sugar import and export of sugar, whereas no effect is the price of sugar national, sugarcane acreage, GDP per capita and population. If there is an increase sugar imports by 50 percent in Indonesia, it will lower sugar production in Indonesia by 5:10 percent, increase sugar prices nationally by 20.1 percent, increase in sugar consumption in Indonesia of 0.35 percent. The increase in sugar imports in Indonesia also have an impact on the decline in sugarcane production in Indonesia at 3:19 percent and domestic sugar yield decreased by 200.39 percent. Sugar production in Indonesia is influenced by several indicators that include domestic sugar yield, to improve rendeman, then that can be done is improved varieties, optimization of time of planting, balanced fertilizer, pest control, and harvesting and transport system improvements and revitalization of the sugar mills focus on increasing the installed capacity and yield at least 10 percent, where sugar production should be sufficient for the country and having a lot of sugar in bulk, so the opportunity to export sugar too large and could reduce imports of sugar. Keywords: Sugar, Sugar Policy, Self-Sufficiency Sugar, Simultaneous Equation } }