@thesis{thesis, author={VIRA AL-FAJR}, title ={VARIASI KEMASAN PRODUK DAN SELERA KONSUMEN DALAM MEMBELI JAJANAN TRADISIONAL KOTA GRESIK }, year={2014}, url={http://eprints.upnjatim.ac.id/6890/}, abstract={Indonesian cuisine has so much diversity and each region has different characteristics from one region to another. Traditional snacks such diversity occurs by the various traditions and also characterizes the region, as well as the basic material used. Traditional snacks is an important component in Indonesian culinary heritage. Not only because of the traditional snacks taste good or unique color and appearance, but at certain times of traditional snacks are full of meaning, in addition to the traditional snack is also the legacy of his predecessors. Many consumers who consider the ancient traditional snacks are snacks, as produced long ago, but even so traditional snacks are still much in demand by consumers until now. Because traditional snacks are usually purchased for the purpose by the-by, where it is the tradition of Indonesian people who still survive to this day, there is no doubt also that the traditional snacks enthusiasts began to decrease, it is because the shifting consumer appetite for traditional snacks to modern snacks. Based on the results of research and discussion in the previous chapter describe the conclusions that can be drawn in this study are: 1.Variasi packaging both in terms of producers and consumers while maintaining aspects need to be maintained primarily keoriginalitasnya limit expired information of the products of traditional snacks. 2 In general, consumers want the flavor attributes of aroma and color of the price of traditional snacks and ayas pudak jubung remain on hold. Keywords: Variations packaging, Consumer Attitudes, Attitude Manufacturers, Traditional Snack} }