@thesis{thesis, author={ERICK SETIAWAN GUNAWAN}, title ={KERAGAAN GENERASI SELFING-1 TANAMAN JAGUNG (Zea mays) VARIETAS NK33 }, year={2014}, url={http://eprints.upnjatim.ac.id/6909/}, abstract={Corn is one of the cereal crops is one of the world's most important food in addition to wheat and rice. One of the efforts to increase maize production is to use high yielding varieties are hybrid varieties that are first generation elders from crosses between inbred strains are homozygous form to produce F ¬ 1 very vigor. The purpose of evaluating penelian selfing generation inbred lines of maize varieties - 1 NK - 33 and get a selfing - 1 strains are good for selfing - 2 activity. The study was conducted at the Faculty of Agricultural Land trial UPN " Veteran " East Java. selfing - 1 strains are grown using the Randomized Rancagan repeated 3 times. Plants have a spacing of 70 cm x 20 cm with a single line. The statistical analysis used was analysis of variance to look for differences among strains and within strains. heritability to see genetic diversity. T test to compare the elders with selfing strain - 1 and chi square analysis to estimate the composition of the gene of interest is male. The best strain is strain S1 - 02. S1 - 04 and S1 - 06. Strain S1 - 02 showed the best performance for the character. the length of the plant. number of leaves. cobs + klobot weight. cob weight. 100 seed weight and seed weight. Strain S1 - 02 also had a reduction in low character ( 35.45 % ) with the parent plant to the character length, number of leaves. cobs + klobot weight, cob weight and the weight of 100 seeds. Strain S1 - 04 showed the best performance for the character, the percentage of plant vigor (70.83 % ), plant length. number of leaves and flowers while the male out early. Strain S1 - 06 has the best character to character. plant vigor ( 47.50 % ). plant length. number of leaves. cobs + klobot weight. cob weight. seed weight. while male flowers out and when ripe, has a low decline ( 35.97 % ) the characters, the length of plant. number of leaves, cobs + klobot weight, cob weight. 100 seed weight and seed weight. Keywords : selfing. inbred strain. heritability. hybrid.} }