@thesis{thesis, author={L I A N A H -}, title ={MAKROZOOBENTOS SEBAGAI BIOINDIKATOR UNTUK MENGEVALUASI KUALITAS AIR IRIGASI PERTANIAN DI KECAMATAN SUKOREJO KABUPATEN PASURUAN}, year={2014}, url={http://eprints.upnjatim.ac.id/6917/}, abstract={Sumber Bulu is a source of springs located in the District Sukorejo, Pasuruan. Sumber Bulu has two streams that flow toward residential areas are used for daily necessities and flow to the agricultural area utilized as irrigation of rice fields. Wide variety of human activities surrounding directly or indirectly cause changes in water quality of rivers and streams resulting water quality is not as intended. The aim of this research is to identify the source of river water quality with macrozoobenthos as bioindicator, which is supported by the examination of several chemical parameters, such as pH, BOD ( Biological Oxigen Demand ), COD ( Chemical Oxigen Demand ), and nitrate ( NO3 - N ). The research was investigated on November - December 2013. Sampling was conducted at 6 (six) observation stations and 4 ( four ) replications with time intervals taking 7 days. Based on macrozoobenthos diversity index values obtained at each observation station, Sumber Bulu is being polluted waters can be categorized. The results of calculation of the parameters COD, BOD and nitrate at station II, III and VI are not in accordance with the water quality standard class IV. Then at the station is not suitable for irrigation. Observing the correlation coefficient macrozoobenthos diversity index to physical factors in the water chemistry Water Sumber Bulu, are of very low. Keywords: macrozoobenthos, bio-indicators, Irrigation.} }