@thesis{thesis, author={Angga Kurniawan}, title ={Objektivitas Pemberitaan Polemik Antara PDIP dan Gerindra Di Kompas.com dan Okezone.com (Analisis Objektivitas Pemberitaan Polemik Antara PDIP dan Gerindra Di Media Online Kompas.com dan Okezone.com Maret 2014)}, year={2014}, url={http://eprints.upnjatim.ac.id/6943/}, abstract={The method used is quantitative content analysis, news Objectivity tested and analyzed in accordance with the categorization that are customized in a theory that is in use by about 3 Ida Rachma categorization news objectivity. News reporting about polemical news objectivity advance of PDIP and Gerindra on online media and okezone.com kompas.com. Not objective because of the data analysis has been done seen from the category of impartiality, if this news is found many violations. Researchers assess if the two media are not balanced in pemberitaanya. Researchers also see if kompas.com in the news is more skewed in favor of one party that the PDIP because the sampled news peneilitan 5 news comes from sources that discredit Gerindra PDIP. Keywords : objectivity, news, rachma ida, PDIP, Gerindra, kompas.com, okezone.com } }