@thesis{thesis, author={DERY RIZKIANTO}, title ={SIKAP PELANGGAN TERHADAP ISI PESAN MEDIA PROMOSI PUBLIC RELATIONS HOTEL MIDTOWN SURABAYA (STUDI DESKRIPTIF KUANTITATIF SIKAP PELANGGAN HOTEL MIDTOWN SURABAYA TERHADAP ISI PESAN PROMOSI PUBLIC RELATIONS DI KORAN JAWA POS, KORAN SURYA, LION MAGAZINE, BROS}, year={2014}, url={http://eprints.upnjatim.ac.id/6953/}, abstract={This study aims to determine the attitude of the customers towards the content of the media message campaign Public Relations Midtown Hotel Surabaya. This study is a descriptive research with quantitative approach using a survey method. The sample in this study is the customer Midtown Hotel Surabaya. sampling technique used in this study is accidental. This study only describes the attitude variable visitor Hotel Midtown in indicators of cognitive, affective, and conative but did not examine the relationship between variables. Was used for descriptive analysis. In this study also used a frequency table to facilitate the analysis of the data by the researcher. Based on the exposure results, it can be concluded that customers Midtown Hotel Surabaya has a positive attitude towards the content of the media public relations campaign undertaken Midtown Hotel Surabaya. Keywords: Attitude, Media Promotion, Promotion, Public Relations} }