@thesis{thesis, author={DESTIYANDA GITA RIZKIANA PUTRI}, title ={ANALISIS FRAMING PEMBERITAAN ”KASUS SUAP KETUA SKK MIGAS RUDI RUBIANDINI” (Study Analisis Framing Pemberitaan Kasus Suap Ketua SKK Migas Rudi Rubiandini Di Surat Kabar Jawapos dan Surya Periode 15 – 18 Agustus 2013) }, year={2014}, url={http://eprints.upnjatim.ac.id/6954/}, abstract={Newspapers in the form of print media is a form of mass media that are part of the community. Newspapers serves as a medium of information and means of education for the community. The resulting information can be used as a tool for decision making, supervisory means for corruption and other bad things that might happen. This study aims to determine how news framing is done by the print media and newspapers Jawapos Solar convey events SKK Oil and bribery to get an idea of the extent of the influence of the ideology of the media to attempt to approach the news media that objective. This study used a qualitative approach to the study of framing analysis models Zhongdang Pan and Gerald M.Kosicki. The results showed that the two media have different frames in presenting the news of the bribery case rudi Rubiandini chairman SKK oil. Framing is done Jawapos more likely neutral and while the framing is done by Surya is more fair and balanced. Keywords: Framing, Print media and newspapers Jawapos Solar, Gas SKK Bribery events Rudi Rubiandini } }