@thesis{thesis, author={Abdullah Assy Abul Huda }, title ={SUBJEKTIVITAS NETIZEN TERHADAP KEPEMIMPINAN TRI RISMAHARINI MELALUI MEDIA SOSIAL (Studi Fenomenologi Subjektivitas Netizen Terhadap Kepemimpinan Tri Rismaharini Melalui Media Sosial Facebook) }, year={2015}, url={http://eprints.upnjatim.ac.id/7196/}, abstract={The presence and behavior of netizens not be overlooked anymore in social media, especially Facebook. They have to duplicate the real world. Netizens have proved that the objective world can be built through their subjective world. What is in the real world, can be built from the virtual world. This is a warning that the netizens are building a world revolution. Especially when talking about a figure they Rismaharini Tri as a public figure. It is important if then ask how subjectivity is run netizens in Tri Rismaharini looked at the figure in social media facebook. The support used is a phenomenological theory of Edmund Husserl, it is a basic principle in conducting research. And using the characteristic qualitative descriptive study, with emphasis on the phenomenological analysis approach as an attempt to describe the behavior of netizens and manage the data analysis interpretive phenomenology of Edmund Husserl. Resulting in some of the same and different behavior than netizen after passing through the stages 1) Reading and re- reading; 2) Initial noting; 3) Developing Emergent themes; 4) SearchingSAT for connections across emergent themes; 5) Moving the next cases; and 6) Looking for patterns across cases. The result is Expression - an expression they tend to have a positive view of the figure Tri Rismaharini. Keyword : Subjectivity , Netizen , Tri Rismaharini , Facebook, Phenomenology } }