@thesis{thesis, author={Abshar Antoro}, title ={REPRESENTASI NASIONALISME DALAM FILM “3 ALIF LAM MIM” (Studi Analisis Deskriptif Nasionalisme dalam Film “3 Alif Lam Mim”) }, year={2017}, url={http://eprints.upnjatim.ac.id/7596/}, abstract={ABSHAR ANTORO, REPRESENTATION NATIONALISM OF ?3 ALIF LAM MIM? MOVIE (THE STUDY OF DESCRIPTIVE ANALYSIS OF NATIONALISM IN ?3 ALIF LAM MIM? MOVIE) The purpose of this research is to know the signs of representating nationalism and give the messages that mean nationalism in 3 Alif Lam Mim movie. The method of research is used descriptive qualitative, that is descriptive research that write fact with factly and meticulously, and qualitative research which means yielding the findings which can not be obtained by statistic way or measurement. The conclusion of this research is sense of nationalism that was felt by the 3 Alif Lam Mim movie players, especially Alif, Herlam, and Mimbo, that was showed by their own ways. Alif as Law Enforcer, showed sense of nationalism by fought the crimes that can threatening Republic of Indonesia. Meanwhile, Herlam as Journalist, showed his sense of nationalism by find the real informations that related to his country, Republic of Indonesia. And Mimbo as Ustadz in an Islamic boarding school, showed his sense of nationalism by spreading the good x through the teachings of his religion, Islam. So, it can be concluded that showing a sense of nationalism can be done with various ways. Keywords: Representation, Nationalism, Movies.} }