@thesis{thesis, author={Akbari Wijaya Kusuma}, title ={PEMAKNAAN KARIKATUR PADA RUBRIK OPINI DI KORAN JAWA POS (Studi Analisis Semiotik Tentang Pemaknaan Karikatur Pada Rubrik Opini Versi ”Kebijakan Rasis Donald Trump” Edisi 31 Januari 2017) }, year={2017}, url={http://eprints.upnjatim.ac.id/7612/}, abstract={Aim of this research are to recognize how its meaning be communicated by clekit caricature is Jawa Pos daily news edition 31 January 2017. Semiotic method in this research in qualitative descriptive, that is a method that be more easy adapting if in this research in fact is double, presenting direct adapting self with many effects toward value pattern be faced. Data analysis in this research is descriptive method, that is collected data such words and pictures. Conclusions obtainaed in caricature is Donald Trump's policy that has the potential to cause unrest in the community and can cause horizontal conflicts in the midst of American society. Keyword : Caricature, Donald Trump, Jawa Pos } }