@thesis{thesis, author={David Agus Pramono}, title ={ANALISIS RESEPSI MASYARAKAT SURABAYA TERHADAP ADEGAN BULLYING PADA SINETRON DEAR NATHAN THE SERIES TV RCTI SKRIPSI Studi Deskriptif Kualitatif Analisis Resepsi Adegan Bullying Pada Sinetron Dear Nathan The Series }, year={2017}, url={http://eprints.upnjatim.ac.id/7683/}, abstract={DAVID BAGUS PRAMONO. RESEPSI SURABAYA COMMUNITY ANALYSIS ON ADULANT BULLYING ON SINETRON DEAR NATHAN THE SERIES TV RCTI (Descriptive Qualitative Study Reception Analysis Society AgainstSinetron Dear Nathan The Series TV RCTI) This study focuses on ho w the acceptance of the Surabaya community to the bullying scene of soap opera Dear Nathan The Series by Rapi Films. The problem of this research is barawal from the many controversies caused by the audience's comments about the bullying scene and violent scene on the soap opera Dear Nathan The Series that aired on RCTI. The soap opera adapted from widescreen films with the same title Dear Dathan is considered to be showing too many bullying scenes and behaviors that are incompatible with the school environment. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative using Stuart Hall's Reception Analysis theory. The informant of this research consists of 4 informants and taken from various backgrounds such as students, high school students and office workers. The results of this study indicate that the community there are people who accept the scene of bullying and also there is a refuse that the scenes are scenes of bullying. Keywords Analysis Reception, Dear Nathan The Series, Sinetron, Bullying } }