@thesis{thesis, author={Faisal Sarvin}, title ={Mobilitas Fosfor Tersedia Pada Vertisol Setelah Pemberian Npk-Humat Untuk Tanaman Cabai Merah}, year={2018}, url={http://eprints.upnjatim.ac.id/8125/}, abstract={The purpose of this research was to study ofoptimum NPK coated Humic that can increase P Nutrient availability on vertisol, chili?s growth and production . The research wasdesigned in Factorial Randomized Block Design (RBD) with three replications. The first factor was compotition of NPK Grade with 3 level: 15:15:15 (P1), 20:10:15 (P2), and 20:20:15 (P3). The second factor was humic acid persentage with 6 level: 0% (A0), 1% (A1), 2% (A2), 3% (A3), 4% (A4), dan 5% (A5).The parameters were observed included P Nutrient Availability on soil, pH, EC, P Nutrient availability on plant, amount fruit/plant. The result showed that compotition grade NPK 20:10:15 and 3 % humic acid were increased P nutrient availability on soil and increased production result on chili Keyword :Vertisol, NPK Grade, Humic Acid, P Nutrient Availability, and Production} }