@thesis{thesis, author={Aditya Rizky}, title ={DAMPAK MENGKONSUMSI MINUMAN KERAS DALAM MELATARBELAKANGI MUNCULNYA TINDAK PIDANA PEMBEGALAN DI KOTA SEMARANG}, year={2021}, url={http://eprints.unisbank.ac.id/id/eprint/8474/}, abstract={Penelitian ini terinspirasi oleh banyaknya fenomena tindak pidana pembegalan di berbagai kota di Indonesia, khususnya di wilayah hukum Kepolisian Resort Kota Besar Semarang. Dari berbagai pemberitaan di media massa dan media sosial, diduga pelaku tindak pidana pembegalan tersebut rata-rata masih berusia anak sekolahan, sehingga menampar dunia pendidikan kita. Terlebih lagi dalam melakukan tindak pidana pembegalan, mayoritas dilatarbelakangi dengan mengkonsumsi minuman keras. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menjelaskan: 1) dampak mengkonsumsi minuman keras dalam melatarbelakangi munculnya tindak pidana pembegalan di Kota Semarang; dan 2) upaya penegakan hukum terhadap dampak mengkonsumsi minuman keras dalam melatarbelakangi munculnya tindak pidana pembegalan di Kota Semarang. Tipe penelitian yang digunakan adalah yuridis sosiologis, artinya cara atau prosedur yang digunakan penulis secara langsung turun ke lapangan untuk memperoleh data up to date terkait topik penelitian, yaitu di Kapolrestabes Semarang. Spesifikasi penelitian bersifat deskriptif, sehingga sesuai untuk menggambarkan dampak mengkonsumsi minuman keras dalam melatarbelakangi munculnya tindak pidana pembegalan di wilayah hukum Polrestabes Semarang, serta upaya penegakan hukum oleh Polrestabes Semarang terhadap peningkatan tindak pidana pembegalan. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan bahwa 1) tindak pidana pembegalan di wilayah hukum Polrestabes Semarang mayoritas dilatarbelakangi konsumsi minuman keras oleh pelaku sebelum melakukan aksinya, yaitu sebanyak 56,67 persen. Sebesar 20 persen dilatarbelakangi adanya tekanan ekonomi, sebesar 15 persen lainnya dilatarbelakangi karena konsumsi narkoba, dan sisanya sebesar 8,33 persen dilatarbelakangi karena gaya hidup yang hedonis dari pelakunya. Dari jumlah kasus tindak pidana begal yang berlangsung di wilayah hukum Polrestabes Semarang, semuanya sudah disidangkan dan berakhir di penjara; 2) Upaya penegakan hukum yang dilakukan pihak Polrestabes Semarang untuk mencegah tindak pidana pembegalan yang dilatarbelakangi konsumsi minuman keras melakukan 3 (tiga) upaya, yaitu yang bersifat mencegah (preventif) dan upaya yang bersifat menanggulangi (represif) yang berakibat sanksi hukum atau menimbulkan efek jera bagi kelompok begal yang telah melakukan tindak pidana, dan upaya pre-emptive, yaitu memberdayakan tokoh dan masyarakat untuk turut serta mencegah tindak pidana pembegalan beserta peredaran minuman keras di sekitar wilayahnya ABSTRACT This research was inspired by the many phenomena of criminal acts of burglary in various cities in Indonesia, especially in the jurisdiction of the Semarang City Police Resort. From various reports in the mass media and social media, it is suspected that the perpetrators of the crime of robbery are still in school age, thus slapping the world of our education. Moreover, in committing the crime of burglary, the majority were motivated by consuming liquor. The purpose of this study is to explain: 1) the impact of consuming liquor in the background for the emergence of criminal acts of burglary in the city of Semarang; and 2) law enforcement efforts on the impact of consuming liquor in the background for the emergence of criminal acts of burglary in the city of Semarang. The type of research used is sociological juridical, meaning that the method or procedure used by the author directly goes to the field to obtain up-to-date data related to the research topic, namely at the Semarang Police Headquarters. The research specification is descriptive in nature, so it is appropriate to describe the impact of consuming liquor in the background of the emergence of criminal acts of robbery in the jurisdiction of the Semarang Police, as well as the efforts of law enforcement by the Semarang Police to increase the crime of robbery. The results of the study show that 1) the majority of criminal acts of robbery in the jurisdiction of the Semarang Polrestabes were motivated by the consumption of liquor by the perpetrators before committing the action, which was 56.67 percent. As many as 20 percent are motivated by economic pressures, the other 15 percent are motivated by drug consumption, and the remaining 8.33 percent are motivated by the hedonic lifestyle of the perpetrators. From the number of cases of criminal acts of robbery that took place in the jurisdiction of Polrestabes Semarang, all of them have been tried and ended up in prison; 2) Law enforcement efforts carried out by the Semarang Polrestabes to prevent criminal acts of robbery that are motivated by the consumption of liquor carry out 3 (three) efforts, namely those that are preventive (preventive) and efforts that are tackling (repressive) which result in legal sanctions or create a deterrent effect. for groups of robbers who have committed criminal acts, and pre-emptive efforts, namely empowering leaders and the community to participate in preventing criminal acts of robbery and the circulation of liquor } }