@thesis{thesis, author={Pungky Rionaldy}, title ={ANALSISI PENGARUH RASIO KEUANGAN UNTUK MEMPREDIKSI KONDISI FINANCIAL DISTRESS PADA PERUSAHAAN MANUFAKTUR YANG TERDAFTAR DI BURSA EFEK INDONESIA}, year={2010}, url={http://www.upnjatim.ac.id}, abstract={Bankruptcy of a company can be seen and measured through financial reports. Financial Statements issued by the company is one source of information about the company's financial position, performance and changes in financial position, which is very useful to support decision-making. Financial distress occurs before bankruptcy. Variable ratio current research is, working capital to total assets, the structure of assets, return on investment, return on equity, net profit margin, and debt ratio, and a company's financial distress. Samples are manufacturing companies listed on the Stock Exchange with the company as much as 60-year observation period in 2005 until the year 2008. Using simple random sampling and Non Random Sampling with purposives sampling method. The analytical method used is logistic regression. This research hypothesis is not verified, it can be seen from the Wald test results (Table 4.10) indicates that the current ratio variable (X1) with a positive sign of the relationship, working capital to total assets (X2) with a negative sign of the relationship, the structure of assets (X3) with relations negative sign, return on investment (X4) with a sign the relationship is negative, return on equity (X5) with a negative sign relations, net profit margin (X6) with a positive sign of the relationship, and the debt ratio (X7) with a negative sign of the partial relationship did not influence to the financial distress of a company (Y). The resulting regression model is suitable and accurate with 100% accuracy rate, as well as the ability of current ratio variable (X1), working capital to total assets (X2), the structure of assets (X3), return on investment (X4), return on equity (X5), net profit margin (X6), and debt ratio (X7) variables in explaining financial distress of a company (Y) is approximately 100%} }