@thesis{thesis, author={Puspa Wijayanti 2250406566}, title ={PRESTIGE OF HEAD OF FAMILY AND ITS IMPACT TOWARDS FAMILY PROFILE IN MODERN AMERICAN SOCIETY AS REFLECTED IN AMERICAN BEAUTY MOVIE}, year={2011}, url={http://lib.unnes.ac.id/10063/}, abstract={Wijayanti, Puspa.2010.Prestige of Head of Family and Its Impact toward Family Profile in Modern American Society as Reflected in American Beauty Film (a Sociology Study).Semarang: English Department, Language and Art Faculty, Semarang State University. This final project is based on a study which has purposes to describe the modern American society and prestige of husband in modern society, and to show the impacts of prestige of husband in modern American society towards the family profile reflected in American Beauty film. The object of the study is a film entitled American Beauty by Sam Mendes. The type of the data in this study was descriptive qualitative. I collected the data from the script of the American Beauty movie in the form of words, phrases, sentences, and dialogue, and also from book, dictionary, website, which are related to the study. The data were collected by watching the film, identifying, inventorying, classifying, and then reporting the data. The analysis was done by several techniques including describing, explaining, and comparing. In analyzing the data I used sociological approach that finally it could give the answers of the problems and drew conclusion. The result indicates that modernization was identified by the progress in technology, industry, transportation, and the other modern things. Beside that, modernization was also identified by the open minded of human, and equality of sex or gender, more freedom. Actually the progress and freedom in modernization can also bring negative effects for human?s life, such as consumerism, materialism, etc. The problem about prestige of husband in film is caused by the influences of modernization that woman can be successful career woman even more successful than man. High or low prestige of husband would influence the relationship among member of each family and then give the family profile itself in society. Based on the result, I can present some suggestion in this case. First, the modernization should be faced wisely. It means use the modern things properly and also the freedom for thinking, get education, equality of gender can be used properly. Second, wife as career woman should keep respect to her husband whatever he has high income or not; in addition, she should manage her time for family and job well. Third, each of member family should play their role in family well and keep good communication and relationship with each other } }