@thesis{thesis, author={Anis Sulastri}, title ={ANALISIS SWOT DALAM PERUMUSAN STRATEGI PENINGKATAN KEPUASAN PASIEN RAWAT JALAN INSTALASI FARMASI RUMAH SAKIT UMUM JATI HUSADA KARANGANYAR}, year={2016}, url={http://librepo.stikesnas.ac.id/112/}, abstract={The intense competition in hospital are required companies enganged in one of them is Installation Pharmacy of Hospital must have strategy in order competitions and expland it?s business, necessary capabilities to analysis internal and external bariers. Reaseacrh was aimed to know level of outpatients satisfaction and formulating strategy to improve patients satisfaction. The reseacrh design was descriptive explorative used two instruments, questionnaries to 92 outpatiens was selescted by sistem random sampling. Result questionnaries used to gap analysis with servqual method and result interview with Chief Installation Pharmacy of Hospital to formulating strategy with SWOT method. Research result showed positive gap on 5 service dimention. The highest gap point is 0,81 (counseling with pharmacist) and lowest gap point is 0,18 (services regardless of social status). Persentage level of satisfaction are 26,8% very satisfied, 70,8% satisfied% and 2,4% unsatisfied. Result of analysis SWOT is located in quadrant I by implementing aggresive strategies. Alternative strategies in order was improve quality and quantity service of pharmacy, expand the range of service, develop sosial activities be routine activities.} }