@thesis{thesis, author={Marfuana Nuur Lathifah}, title ={KEANEKARAGAMAN JAMUR KONTAMINAN UDARA DI RUANG INTENSIF CARE UNIT}, year={2020}, url={http://librepo.stikesnas.ac.id/283/}, abstract={Intensive Care Unit (ICU) is special room of the Hospital section that provides special services to patient, the ICU cannot base paratet from the air that contains microorganisms, namely fungi. Mushrooms have the ability to produce and spread their spores through the air, mold spores can survive in a dry state for a long time and will grow into new mushrooms if environmental conditions are suitable for mushroom growth. As a result, various fungi can grow in these rooms. This research is based on a literature study that aims to determine the diversity of airborne contaminant fungi found in the ICU. This type of research is a literature study. This study uses secondary data collection taken from scientific journals, theses, and scientific papers. The data analysis technique used is descriptive analysis method. From saveral journals used as a reference, mushroom growth is influenced by various environmental factors, temperature, and humidity. Isolation to determine the presence of airborne contaminant, fungi in the ICU, can use saveral methods. Fungi that contaminate the air in the ICU room are dominated by Aspergillus sp with a percentage of 27%, Aspergillus sp is a fungus that is often found in the ICU room, then the persentage of 14% for Penicilium sp and Rhizopus sp, and other types fungi only 4,5%. The emergence of airborne contaminant fungi can cause several health promblems such as eye irritation, skin irritation, and several other diseases. The conclusion from the research based on literature studies, there are variations in the type of fungus that contaminates air, but the tipe of fungus that is most commonly found is Aspergillus sp. The fungus can grow because it is influenced by certain factors. Of the several genera of airborne contaminant fungi, they are opportunistic, so they can infect humans, especially when their endurance decreases.} }