@thesis{thesis, author={Rizki Alifah Nur Saputro}, title ={HUBUNGAN KADAR GLUKOSA DARAH DENGAN NILAI MEAN PLATELET VOLUME PADA PASIEN DIABETES MELLITUS TIPE 2}, year={2020}, url={http://librepo.stikesnas.ac.id/303/}, abstract={Diabetes mellitus (DM) can occurs because of the pancreas no longer produces enough insulin (a hormone that regulates blood sugar sugar or glucose) and causes the increasing of blood sugar levels(hyperglycemia). Hyperglicemia can give change or affect in several hematological parameters, one of the parameter is platelet cells. Platelets cells in diabetes mellitus experiences hyperactivation and morphological distortion and it ocurrs a size enlargement to the cells. MPV is an indicator of the average size of platelet cells, so if the circulating blood are large platelets it can affects to an increase of MPV value.This study aimed to determine whether there was a connection between blood glucose levels with MPV value in type 2 DM in patients. This study used descriptive analysis method by describing research journals related to the connection between blood sugar levels with Mean Platelet Volume (MPV) value in patients with type 2 DM. Based on the result of the journal analysis were used as the main reference for scientific papers on literature study taken by some similarities included by the sample used and the examination method found that there was connection between blood glucose levels with Mean Platelet Volume (MPV) in patients with type 2 DM. This result were concluded based on 2 of 3 different journals revealed that there was connection between blood glucose level and MPV Value in patient with type 2 DM which resulted a statistical correlation in r value r = 0,614 and r = 0,306. It concluded that there was a connection between blood glucose level with Mean Platelet Volume value in patients with type 2 DM. The higher blood glucose level could increased the MPV value in type 2 DM patients.} }