@thesis{thesis, author={Rosiana Kristianingrum}, title ={GAMBARAN JAMUR KONTAMINAN UDARA PADA RUMAH TINGGAL}, year={2020}, url={http://librepo.stikesnas.ac.id/304/}, abstract={The house is a building that serves as a habitable residence, family coaching facilities, assets for the owner, as well as a place to spend time with family. The presence of contaminant fungi in the home can cause health problems such as eye irritation, nasal irritation, lung disorders and respiratory problems. The emergence of health problems because this fungus can cause discomfort in the compilation of a residential house. Scientific Paper based on literature review study of this literature aims to determine the type of airborne contaminant fungi in residential spaces. This type of research is a literature study. This study uses secondary data collection that is used taken from scientific journals, theses, and scientific papers. The data analysis technique used is descriptive analysis method. From the 6 reference journals used, the results were found that the genus of fungi that contaminated the air in the living room by Cladosporium sp, Penicillium sp, and Aspergillus sp. The fungus is the most common fungus genus found in residential spaces. Fungi that contaminate the air can grow in homes that have problems with humidity and hygiene. Some types of these fungi can infect humans, if humans have immune or weak immune system can cause disease (opportunistic).} }