@thesis{thesis, author={Widiyarso Hermawan}, title ={PERBEDAAN HITUNG JUMLAH EOSINOFIL MENGGUNAKAN METODE APUSAN DARAH TEPI DAN ALAT AUTOMATIK LASER-BASED FLOWCYTOMETRY}, year={2020}, url={http://librepo.stikesnas.ac.id/317/}, abstract={One of the laboratory test that often used as an initial screening for disease is a hematological examination. Concerning the amount of eosinophil must done properly and throughtly so the test can fulfill the diagnosis. Eosinophil count method can be done using an aoutomatic device with hight technology, namely hematology analyzer bsed on the priciple of laser-based (optical) flowcytometri and manual method, namely blood smear method. The purpose of this research is to determine wheter there are diferences in number of eosinophil with automatic laser-besed flowcytometri method and blood smear method. This type of research is an experimental analytic with 28 respondents. Eosinophil count were test by blood smear method and automatic method. The sampling techique used was accidental sampling. The data that obtained were tested by shapiro-wilk test followed by the wilcoxon test with sofware SPSS 20.0 The result of this research showed that 28 sampel tested by the blood smear method and aoutomatc method obtained significance value (p) 0f 0,729 and value p ? 0,05 then H1 was rejected and accept Ho. Difference in the method of calculating the amount of eosinophil have no effect on the result obtained or there is no significant different between calculating the amount of eosinophil using the Blood Smear Method and the Automatic Laser Based Flowcytometry tool.} }