@thesis{thesis, author={Anindya Marreta Putri}, title ={ANALISIS KANDUNGAN SAKARIN PADAMINUMAN TIDAK BERMEREK MENGGUNAKAN METODE TITRIMETRI}, year={2020}, url={http://librepo.stikesnas.ac.id/324/}, abstract={In Indonesia the use of saccharin is still permitted, while their use is permitted in a food product, saccharin must conform to the standards set limits. Excessive saccharin content can cause health problems such as bladder cancer. Testing the saccharin content of non-branded drinks that is circulating in Indonesia needs to be done. The purpose of this study is to determine the content of saccharin in non-branded drinks in some areas using the titrimetry method. This research is a literature study which used 4 sources of data with nonbranded drinks samples and a qualitative test to determine the saccharin content carried out by the titrimetry method. In analyzing the data, the researcher is using descriptive analysis. The results of the research from the 4 sources used obtained the percentage of samples containing saccharin exceeds the maximum limit of 25% in the sample of plastic bottle drinks, 8.3% in the sample of soft drinks, 100% in the soy milk sample, and 50% in the herbal sample saffron-colored rice. Obtained samples of non-branded drinks from several regions containing saccharin exceeded the maximum limit of 500 mg / kg carbohydrate drinks and 300 mg / kg concentrates according to SNI 01-6993-2004.} }