@thesis{thesis, author={Amalia Setya Wardhani}, title ={EFEKTIVITAS BIAYA PENGOBATAN DIABETES MELLITUS TIPE 2 ORAL: SYSTEMATIC LITERATURE REVIEW}, year={2020}, url={http://librepo.stikesnas.ac.id/335/}, abstract={The prevalence of diabetes mellitus is increasing annually, especially type 2 diabetes. The costs spent on dm therapy reached usd 465 billion in 2011, and it could be estimated that by 2030 it will increase by $595 billion. The purpose of this study was to synthesize information on the cost effectiveness of treatment in dm type 2 patients who use single oral antidiabetes drugs and a combination of acer and icer values using a systematic literature review. This research is a systematic literature review. Literature search was performed using the keyword cost effectiveness of diabetes type 2 using the Google Scholar journal search engine, PubMed, and Portal Garuda. The search results were obtained as many as 344 articles and after filtering, 3 articles that met the inclusion criteria were obtained. Most of the research designs used cross sectional design. Articles that met inclusion criteria were subjected to a critical appraisal. The results of this study found that the highest cost effective use of single oral antidiabetic is the sulfonylurea group with an ACER value of 128,900 and an ICER value of -4,857, while the most cost effective use of combined oral antidiabetic is the combination of the biguanide class and the sulfonylurea with an ACER value of 2,215,351. and the ICER value is -170.208.} }