@thesis{thesis, author={Afiatika Ilma Fantafa}, title ={RASIONALITAS PENGGUNAAN OBAT PADA PASIEN HEPATITIS B DI UNIT RAWAT INAP RSUI KUSTATI SURAKARTA TAHUN 2018}, year={2020}, url={http://librepo.stikesnas.ac.id/353/}, abstract={Hepatitis B Infection is the primary health problem in the world generally and Indonesia specially. Indonesia is the country with biggest secondary high endemic of Hepatitis B in South East Asia Region. Hepatitis B infection caused by hepatitis B virus, DNA virus which is infect hepar can causes nekrosis hepatoselluler and inflamation. This research purpose to know the patients caracteristic of Hepatitis B include sex, age, the collateral diseases and to evaluate rasionality of drug used for hospitalization unit Hepatitis B patients in Kustati General Islamic Hospital of Surakarta 2018. This research is not an experimental, processing data retrospectively and be analized descriptively. Sampling technique which used is purposive sampling and earn about 70 sample who entrance in inclusi criterian. The result show hepatitis B patients caracterisctic in unit hepatitis B patients in Kustati General Islamic Hospital of Surakarta dominate male about 47 patient (67,14%), age 56-60 years old about 26 patient (37,14%) and with collateral disease acute gastritis about 20 patient (28,57%). Rasionality evaluation?s result show the rasionality of drug used for hospitalization unit Hepatitis B patients in Kustati General Islamic Hospital of Surakarta 2018 91,43%.} }