@thesis{thesis, author={Ayuningtyas Puji Hastuti}, title ={FORMULASI DAN EVALUASI SIFAT FISIK SUSPENSI EKSTRAK DAUN SIRSAK (Annona Muricata L.)DENGAN SUSPENDING AGENT Na CMC (Natrium Carboxymethyl cellulose)}, year={2020}, url={http://librepo.stikesnas.ac.id/364/}, abstract={Soursop leaves is one of a crop that has been frequently used for traditional treatment. Soursop leaves can be used as hepatoprotector or antioxidant because of the flavonoid content in soursop leaves. In this research use suspension solution because flavonoid is a compounds that not dissolve in water. This research is aims to determine the effect of the suspending agent Na CMC concentration to the physical characteristic and soursop leaves extract suspension stability with variation concentration 0,5%, 0,75%, and 1,0%. Suspension physical conducted by evaluating the suspension includes organoleptic test, homogeneity, redispersibility test, precipitation, pH, specific gravity, viscosity, and volume transferred. From the research known that variations concentration of the suspending agent affects to suspension physical characteristic and Na CMC with concentration 0.75% produce a suspension with best physical character.} }