@thesis{thesis, author={Bagus Kunto Wibisono}, title ={AKTIVITAS ANTIOKSIDAN TEH DAUN SRIKAYA ( Annona squamosa L. ) DENGAN METODE FRAP DAN UJI PARAMETER FISIKANYA}, year={2020}, url={http://librepo.stikesnas.ac.id/365/}, abstract={Srikaya leaf (Annona squamosa L.) contains flavonoid compounds, tannins, and terpenoids. This compound is a compound that has potential as an antioxidant. Antioxidants are compounds that can inhibit chain reactions and capture free radicals in the body. This study aims to examine the antioxidant activity of srikaya tea steeping and to determine its physical parameters.The method used is the FRAP method which is based on the ion transfer to Fe3+ become Fe2+ by UV - Vis spectrophotometry at a wavelength of 698 nm using vitamin C as a comparison. The results of this study indicate that simplicia from srikaya leaf tea has fulfilled the requirements of simplicia with a water content of 5% and drying losses of 7.753% ± 0.5144 and has an antioxidant capacity of 0.1034 mg AAE / g sample.} }