@thesis{thesis, author={Eva Deny Evriani}, title ={PENGARUH PENYULUHAN TERHADAP PERUBAHAN TINGKAT PENGETAHUAN TENTANG PENYAKIT HEPATITIS A DAN B PADA SISWA KELAS X SMA NEGERI DI WONOGIRI}, year={2020}, url={http://librepo.stikesnas.ac.id/375/}, abstract={Hepatitis is one infectious disease that become a public health problem, which influences on morbidity rate, mortality rate, public health status, life expectancy, and other socioeconomic impact. The purpose of this research is to identify the effect of counseling to improve knowledge of hepatitis A and B on tenth grade student of state high school in Wonogiri. This research is pre experiment with pretest and post-test design. This research found result that before counseling respondents are categorized as good are 36,89%, medium category 46,84%, lacking category 16,28%, the result after counseling are 100% respondent have knowledge in good category , so this research concludes that counselling have significant effect to improve knowledge about hepatitis A and B on tenth grade student of state high school in Wonogiri.} }