@thesis{thesis, author={Shely Pangestika}, title ={HUBUNGAN FAKTOR INTERNAL DAN EKSTERNAL TERHADAP PERILAKU IBU DALAM PEMBERIAN IMUNISASI HEPATITIS B PADA BAYI DI PUSKESMAS COLOMADU II}, year={2020}, url={http://librepo.stikesnas.ac.id/433/}, abstract={Hepatitis B is a disease caused due to hepatitis B virus infection that cause inflammation of the liver and can result in chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis, and liver cancer. The prevalence of hepatitis in Indonesia in 2013 showed an increase of 1,2% compared to the results of Riskesdas 2007 of 0,6%. In Indonesia, hepatitis B virus that infects the most is 21,8%. This study aims to determine the relationship of internal factors and external factors on maternal behavior in hepatitis B immunization. This research is a type of non-experimental study by distributing questionnaires at the Colomadu II health center, with a population of mothers who have babies aged 0-24 months, who come for immunizations and still get basic immunizations. Data collection with saturated sampling technique obtained 66 people. Data analysis was performed with the Chi Square test and Logistic Regression. Form the results of the bivariate analysis using the Chi Square Test there is a relationship between internal factors (age, education, knowledge) and external factors (the role of health workers, support of community leaders) with maternal behavior in giving hepatitis B immunization to infants, while internal factors (occupation, number chlidren) statistically there is no such relationship. The most influential factor on maternal behavior in hepatitis B immunization is the role health workesrs.} }