@thesis{thesis, author={Sinta Suciati}, title ={GAMBARAN PENGETAHUAN TENAGA TEKNIS KEFARMASIAN TERHADAP HEPATITIS B DI RS PEMERINTAH BOYOLALI}, year={2020}, url={http://librepo.stikesnas.ac.id/436/}, abstract={Hepatitis B is a type of hepatotropic DNA virus that can cause chronic infections that result in chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis, and hepatocellular carcinoma. Rikesdas (2018) found the prevalence of hepatitis 0,4% higher than the data in 2013. Knowledge of pharmaceutical tehnical staff about hepatitis B can improve service for patients affected by hepatitis B and pharmaceutical technical personnel are more introspective so as not to be infected by illnesses suffered by patients. This research is a descriptive study to find out the description of the knowledge of pharmaceutical technical personnel against hepatitis B in Boyolali Government Hospital. This research was conducted by distributing uestionnaires to pharmaceutical technical personnel who worked at Boyolali Government Hospital in December 2019 until Jaunuary 2020, the sampling technique used was satuated sampling technique, the total sample used was 34 respondents. Data collection by distributing questionnaire, and processed using microsoft excel. The results showed as many as 28 people had good knowledge with a percentage of 82,35% and as many as 6 people who had poor knowledge with a percentage of 17,65%.} }